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What about the scale of Y&R Building?
Starting as a small mill, it takes Y&R Building Materials Co., Ltd many years to develop into a big enterprise involved in the manufacturing of solid wood kitchen cabinet . Now, our factory is equipped with many advanced machines, which contributes to the upgrade of productivity and reduction of labour costs. There is a continuous talent flow in our factory to facilitate the advance and development of the enterprise. As a company at large scale, we have obtained relevant management system certificates to ensure the normal operation of the company.
Based in China, Y&R Building is a trusted enterprise in the American standard kitchen cabinets manufacturing industry in today's fierce market competition. Y&R Building's contemporary wardrobe series are created based on unremitting efforts. Following steps are involved in the pre-production stage of Y&R Building custom wood cabinets. They are pattern making, garment sampling, fabric development, fabric approval, and fabric sourcing. This product is in strict accordance with ISO9001 and meets the requirements of quality control system.
we makes its decision to offer the most professional customer service to attract customers. Get quote!
Based in China, Y&R Building is a trusted enterprise in the American standard kitchen cabinets manufacturing industry in today's fierce market competition. Y&R Building's contemporary wardrobe series are created based on unremitting efforts. Following steps are involved in the pre-production stage of Y&R Building custom wood cabinets. They are pattern making, garment sampling, fabric development, fabric approval, and fabric sourcing. This product is in strict accordance with ISO9001 and meets the requirements of quality control system.
we makes its decision to offer the most professional customer service to attract customers. Get quote!
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